5th grade

Sport Day

To reinforce our belief that physical education is a part of the curriculum and important for life skills we host an annual inter-team sports day. We have the luxury of a large field and other suitable areas so that a round-robin style of organization ensures that teams move around from one activity to another. These […]

Nigeria Independence Day

We take great pride in celebrating our host country despite the diversity of the school and insist that all ages learn the words of the Nigerian National Anthem and come dressed to school for our celebratory day in Nigerian national attire. The day usually comprises of storytelling of traditional folktales such as Ajakpa and some […]


The NISL is originally a Dutch school. Therefore, one of the biggest events at NISL is the arrival of Sinterklaas. Sinterklaas has his birthday early December and this is widely celebrated in the Netherlands and Belgium. Towards the end of November Sinterklaas and the Pieten arrive in Lagos. This is celebrated on a Sunday, a […]

World Book Week

This event has changed somewhat over the years at NISL but the underlying theme of course remains the celebration of books and to instill a passion for reading. This academic year we plan to have Book Day in line with the international day of celebration in March where we will be visited by authors, set […]

Easter Celebration

What a sunshine yellow event we host! From chicks in school to teachers dressed in yellow pyjamas there certainly is fun and frenzy in the air. Everyone who wants to takes part in an Easter Hat Parade and the whole school then searches for eggs as part of a treasure hunt which ends in finding […]

King’s Day

King’s Day is when Dutch people celebrate the birthday of their king. King Willem Alexander was born on April 27th. On that day we celebrate with many parties, and flea markets and the king himself visits one or several cities with his family. On the NISL we also celebrate King’s Day with our own flea […]

International Day

This is perhaps the event that most reflects the ethos of our school community. With approximately thirty different cultural backgrounds represented at NISL this event gives parents the opportunity to showcase their history, fashion, music, and food. Classrooms are set up as different countries and passports are made by all to go and visit. As […]

End of Year Production

The preparations for this whole school event begin as early as October to combine script writing, the painting of a backdrop, costume designing, and actual rehearsals. We are supported each year by a sound and lighting company to create a more professional effect as we showcase our acting, dancing, and singing talent from across the […]